Addiction Arena: National week of sobriety and alcohol moderation announced

National week of sobriety and alcohol moderation announced

ALCOHOL FORUM, THE alcohol advocacy and action group has announced the launch of a National Sobriety Week. The group said in a statement that the announcement is timely as it comes “in a week that saw alcohol and drug-fuelled incidents take lives and make headlines”. Seven days of alcohol awareness and recovery will take place later this year from 29 October to 4 November, with a number of nationwide events and lectures taking place to raise awareness. The week will kick off with a ‘Dry Run’, a 5K walk and run encouraging people to get out in the fresh air and take a step towards better health. GPs will also be encouraged to write ‘Green Prescriptions’, whereby the medicine prescibed is exercise, according to Alcohol Forum’s Eamon O’Kane. O’ Kane said: We all understand that our drinking is almost as big a challenge as our economic woes. We are not in the business of lecturing individuals, but instead educating and advocating for a positive change to our mindset, culture and habits relating to alcohol. Our key message is moderation. The Dry Run will also provide an opportunity for family members to come out in solidarity with someone who has had a battle with alcohol.

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